Lawn Care
One of the differences between Agent Pest and Lawn Control and other companies is our commitment to quality fertilizers. We use only the finest products and blend them to our unique formulas. We apply an organic-based fertilizer with four different kinds of nitrogen for proper time release and color. We also apply phosphorus, potassium, two kinds of iron, humic and fulvic acid (humates), and micronutrients. A pre- and post-emergent will be applied to ensure maximum prevention of summer annual weeds like crabgrass and spurge. We apply three kinds of broadleaf weed control for spring weeds like dandelions and clover. We also check your lawn for spring feeding lawn insects like sod webworms and spider mites. If any are found the will be terminated.
If your water is turned on, please water 24 hours from the time of the application. If your water is not on, the natural moisture (dew) will draw the material down into the roots.
We return for your next treatment after 6-7 weeks to continue the process of beautifying your lawn. Please call us if you have any question at (801) 541-1595. We are always happy to help you with your landscape needs.