Info about Clover Mites by Agent Pest Control of Utah:
Clover mites can cause unsightly stains and can invade homes in large numbers. These tiny red or green-colored mites are often found in lawns and gardens, where they feed on grass, clover, and other plants. However, they can also migrate into homes through cracks and gaps in foundations, windows, and doors. Once inside, clover mites can stain walls, furniture, and other surfaces with their reddish-brown excrement, which can be difficult to remove.
Clover mites can also cause skin irritation and allergic reactions in some people. They do not bite humans or pets, but they can crawl on skin and cause a tingling or itching sensation. In addition, clover mites can attract other pests, such as spiders and ants, which can be a nuisance for household members.
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